목록Flutter error (5)
전업요리사의 앱 개발 공부하기

The issue has been solved! I changed the configurations of the project on Xcode as it is in the image below
Step 1: flutter clean rm -Rf ios/Pods rm -Rf ios/.symlinks rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.podspec rm ios/Podfile Step 2: cd ios flutter pub get pod cache clean --all pod install or (below for m1 chip incase above command thrown error in pod install) #1 Install ffi sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi #2 Re-install dependencies arch -x86_64 pod install Step 3: 1. Ope..
Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /usr/lib/libamsupport.dylib (0x1df053130) and /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x1085ec2c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[57491]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both /usr/lib/libamsupport.dylib (0x1df053180) and /Library/Apple/System..
에러 내용Permalink setState() called after dispose() 원인Permalink 이는 해당 위젯이 이미 dispose()된 상태인데 setState()이 불려서 발생하는 에러이다. 해결 방법Permalink 이 에러는 this.mounted를 사용해서 해결할 수 있다. mounted는 위젯이 dispose()되는 순간 false가 되기 때문에, 아래와 같이 mounted이 true일 때만 setState()를 호출하도록 설정하면 된다 if (this.mounted) { setState(() { // state 변경에 대한 코드. }); }